Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996 Film)

The Island of Dr. Moreau ( 1996 Film ) For this assignment I have chosen to discourse the movie â€Å"The Island of Dr. Moreau† . This movie was released in 1996 based on H.G. Wells’ novel. After acquiring past the horrific and ghastly scenes and cliff-hanging state of affairss, I found the nucleus issue of Eugenics rather intriguing. Eugenicss is the survey of trying to better specific desirable traits in worlds by commanding reproduction. The most flagitious illustration of this in history can be found in the patterns of the Nazi’s before and during World War 2. That topic is for another clip, back to Dr. Moreau. The film opens with the narrative of Edward Douglass, a United Nations worker, whom is stranded on an inflatable raft in the southern Pacific after his plane has crashed. He is rescued by a adult male named Montgomery, and taken to â€Å"Moreau’s† island. His initial conversations with Montgomery are met with unusual replies to Edward’s inquiries and many of the inquiries left unreciprocated. As the two thrust into the compound, Montgomery explains the islands history to Edward, and when they make a halt to drop off some coneies, Edward is surprised when Montgomery all of a sudden snaps on of the rabbit’s cervixs. Montgomery so explains to Edward that they don’t eat meat on the island, but he thinks the Doctor will do an exclusion in thsi particular instance. Once at the chief house, Edward is instructed to remain indoors. While waiting for Montgomery to return, he views Dr. Moreau ‘s Nobel Peace Prize for Genetic Manipulation. Edward does non follow Montgomery’s way to remain put, and meets Moreau ‘s girl, Aissa. Upon Montgomery’s return, she flees and after Edward states how beautiful she is, Montgomery states â€Å"she’s a pussycat† . He so leads Edward to his quarters. As the two walk, they discuss Dr. Moreau’s work, which Montgomery explains is carnal research that the Doctor has become obsessed with. He so portions that Dr. Moreau was forced out of the U.S. due to animal rights militants and has been on the island 17 old ages. Montgomery explains that he came to the island 10 old ages prior after Moreau began correspondence with him after reading his publication. At that point, Montgomery walks Edward into his room, and locks him in. Edward is disquieted to state the least, and manages to pick the lock and acquire out of the room. As he explores, he finds his manner into a lab filled with animate beings in coops, and what ab initio looks like a adult female in labour fixing to present. As Edward creeps closer, the female specimen who is clearly a genetically mutated delivers a cleft roof of the mouth kid of kinds and he gives himself off with a pant. As he runs out of the lab, which is filled with containers of dead childish specimens of changing mutants, he hides in the forests. Aissa finds him and offers to assist him acquire of the island, but merely if he does nil to alarm her male parent. Montgomery shouts that there are many ‘unstable phenomenon’ out at that place, seeking to lure Edward to return. As Edward and Aissa run, they pass another mutated animal banqueting on a coney. When spotted, the animal-like animal looks at them and so runs off, go throughing another mutated animal. Aissa takes Edward to a cantonment of many mutated animals when, rather quickly, Montgomery and ‘The Father’ ( Dr. Moreau ) arrive. At this point in the film it is ill-defined precisely whom the evil character truly is. Montgomery is indicating a gun at Edward and Dr. Moreau instructs him to give the gun to Edward as he is frightened. As the animal that was eating the coney refuses to endorse off from Edward, Dr. Moreau pushes a button on his amulet like necklace, bring oning terrible hurting from electrical sock in the animals. If one hasn’t realized things are truly out of balance by now, it is all excessively apparent now. Dr. Moreau insists they return to the house and acquire out of the Sun. Once back at the house, Edward and Dr. Moreau discuss the state of affairs, which Edward states is demonic. Dr. Moreau explains that all of those that Edward has seen are animate beings fused with human cistrons. As the Doctor sense Edward is appalled and unreceptive, they adjourn until dinner that flushing. At dinner Dr. Moreau explains that the Satan is found in worlds and he has seen it in his microscope. He explains that each animal represents a measure in his procedure to eliminate the imperfectnesss ( destructive elements ) in the human mind. Dr. Moreau besides states that he is closer to than of all time in detecting flawlessness in his work. After the cooked coney is served, to the Doctors great discouragement, the film turns. After rousing from incubuss, Edward tries to get away on the boat, merely to happen more mutated animals on the boat. The following twenty-four hours, one of the animals is on test for interrupting the jurisprudence and is killed by one of the Doctors boies, Azazello. This brings great imbalance in his creative activities, as the regulations they have set Forths have been broken. After the cremation of the wrongdoer, the animals best friend, Hyena-swine, finds the implant that has been placed in all the animals which the Doctor and Montgomery usage to maintain control. Hyena-swine figures out how to take out his implant, puting farther pandemonium into gesture. Uncovering to Montgomery that he has removed his implants, Edward learns that the animals are given regular injections to maintain them from regressing into their original signifier. While these events are intensifying, we see Montgomery steal further into lunacy, as he is self-medicating with narcotic cocktails, holding lost his hereafter and calling to the attention pickings of Dr. Moreau ‘s animals. Unfortunately, Hyena-Swine is non found, and removes the implants from several other animals, and saddle horses an onslaught on the compound. They foremost come in softly, and have a brief brush with Dr. Moreau, which ends in his decease from their onslaught after he tries to floor them for misbehaviour. This is, gratefully, the beginning of the terminal of this dismaying narrative. Edward witnesses Dr. Moreau’s slaying by his ain creative activities, and amenitiess Aissa at the loss of her male parent. As Edward has slightly fallen for Aissa, he tries to assist her happen the serum to maintain her in human signifier. While seeking, Edward discovers that his familial codification was the key to Dr. Moreau’s concluding end, which was utilizing Edward’s DNA to halt Aissa’s arrested development. Unfortunately, Montgomery has destroyed all the serum, and holding lost his head, assumed the function of ‘Father’ . Azazello has besides joined the ‘Hyena† battalion, and they set out to destruct those still loyal to Dr. Moreau’s jurisprudence. The dock is exploded, Montgomery is murdered, Aissa is hung by her brother, Azazello and the concluding confrontation begins. Edward is brought in forepart of Hyena-swine, and is miraculously able to confound the nihilist creatures into killing each other, therefore stoping the slaughter. As Edward leaves the island on a of course built raft, he offers to convey back physicians to assist the animals. The few that remain wanted to merely be left to nature. Although the film had a really interesting scientific premiss, I felt it focused excessively much on the Gore and horror of these animals. Possibly that was the point. Familial experimentation can be extremely good in certain applications, but I feel that Dr. Moreau was so playing at being God. It was stated by Montgomery that Dr. Moreau â€Å"wanted to do animal’s work forces, and work forces Gods† . Things most decidedly did non travel as planned. There are many facets of this narrative to be discussed. Dr. Moreau wanted to better world by extinguishing the negative traits, in his sentiment. Eugenicss has ever found contention. Selective genteelness is non anything new, as swayers have been making this for millenary. Granted, each civilization has its ain desirable traits, but nature still has control of the creative activity. The ancient Greeks had a tradition of go forthing distorted babes to the wolves. Not precisely humane, but perchance the beginnings of Eugenicss. Whether or non Dr. Moreau was truly seeking to better the human status is problematic to me. He surely crossed all kinds of lines in nature, the most basic being uniting animate being and human cistrons. If nature had meant for engendering between of species, I think we would hold seen many more centaurs, mermaids, and such, over the ages. It was ill-defined to me why the physician had chosen to blend the animate being and human cistrons. I did non see how carnal cistrons would profit worlds into being more docile, loving animals. Had Dr. Moreau been experimenting with more domesticated animate beings, instead than wild, possibly he would non hold met the same terminal. Dr. Moreau was surely to fault for the pandemonium that arose from the island. Did he truly think that animate beings whose cistrons have been manipulated ( fused ) with human genetic sciences would non larn? There were several illustrations of different degrees of acquisition and personality traits. Azazello wanted to delight Dr. Moreau, but besides desired to suit in with the battalion and Hunt. He was really protective of ‘Father’ , so much so he killed the animal that violated ‘the law’ . Azazello seems to hold been, originally, a runing strain of Canis familiaris, as they reference his love of the Hunt several times during the film. Aissa was really docile and graceful, much like the cat she was inferred to be. She besides had a sense of danger and where to travel to for aid. Hyena-swine was a battalion animate being and rebelled when one of his ‘pack’ was killed. He wanted to rule the country, but besides wanted to understand the differenc es between him and Dr. Moreau. Dr. Moreau had a dual criterion from what I could state. One of his boies could read rather good, and the small animal that acted as a personal retainer to him, played the piano in an impressive manner. On the flipside, Dr. Moreau used daze therapy to maintain the other animate beings submissive. It was clear it caused them great hurting, which they came to resent. When and why did he happen the demand to hold the implant put in all the specimens? The carnal experimentation was beyond acceptable degrees, as the film writer even portions this sentiment, in the duologue that explains how Dr. Moreau was kicked out of America due to the Animal Rights militants. In the beginning and terminal of the film we see the interior of one of the labs with unchanged life wild animate beings, and preserved illustrations of 1s that did non keep life after some sort of process. The animate beings surely could non give ‘informed consent’ before Dr. Moreau treated them, but people must ever hold the option. This misdemeanor of Edwards’s personal right to his ain familial stuff brings up more of Dr. Moreau’s questionable medical patterns, values, and moralss. It could be argued that Montgomery did non cognize whether or non Edward would do it, and knew the physician needed new specimens. Either manner, his familial design was taken signifier him without his permission. Although the bulk of the incrimination for the brainsick topographic point the island became remainders on Dr. Moreau, Montgomery was besides partly responsible. Montgomery follows the doctor’s directives, and kept the animals in cheque. He shows understanding for the animals with the ‘gifts’ he adds to their vaccinations. He was clearly fighting at times to maintain it together, and seemed to be unhappy with things overall. It seemed that Montgomery did non cognize what he was acquiring into ab initio, and disliked it greatly, but was relieved that he had the doctor’s favour. Montgomery’s character was one of confusion as good, being that he had the chance to travel elsewhere, but returned to island. The state of affairs I find most saddening is the fact that Montgomery’s get bying mechanism for all that is has become one, many, or assorted narcotics. Geneticss is, and ever has been, an endless and fascinating survey into how the organic structure works, what may be incorrect with it, and what can we make to better people’s lives. The film focused on familial mutant, research, and carnal experimentation, go forthing tonss of inquiries on the inside informations of the work. In my sentiment, it would hold been more effectual at pass oning the issues related to the familial mutant side of things if there had been a small less focal point on the horror and more on the scientific discipline. The grotesquery of the animate beings did, nevertheless, conveying focal point to the bounds we must put on experimentation of any sort. I think the lesson of the film could be that you can set the adult male in the animate being, but you can’t take the animate being out of the adult male.

Chaplin vs Buster

Looking at Modern Times we see cater his act to the viewer. Pressured by the public to reflect social and political discrepancies of the world Charlie develops a topical approach to his art. Buster also developed his act to appeal to the masses as I will later discuss but when comparing our two films Charlie's Modern Times Is the one which caters to both the social and political Issues of the day. Beyond the realm of film Charlie holds his own personal commentary about his world and the Issues faced as his book A Comedian Sees the World demonstrates.Still despite his views initially Charlie saw a clear separation between his art and politics. â€Å"Art is the treatment applied to work and has nothing to do with the subject matter. â€Å"2 Despite this by the mid sass it was not enough to be political yourself as an artist it was also expected to be seen in your art. It was following his world tour that he became more out spoken about the condition the Depression had left the world, and decided to give into outside pressures. Like other Charlie films the film Modern Times took straight from the textbook of Chaplain's aesthetic contract where comedy, romance and pathos, would meet.As stated the difference between other early films by Charlie and Modern Times however were the topical allusions used. We can clearly see this in early scenes between the Electro Steel Company's owner and his workers. The boss barks demands throughout the beginning and by the end of the sequence Charlie's character ends up going mad from the oppressive nature of the work place. Another allusion is to link between poverty and crime as we see scenes of Charlie's love interest stealing from the rich to feed both her and her struggling family. It is important to note however that Von Wigging's essay notes that the combination ofChaplain's aesthetic contract as well as, social and political realities was problematic. To him the film does not ring true to the woes of depression when contra sted with the optimism of a go lucky clown. Still this does not discount the topical allusions which were used throughout this film. Unlike Buster this film Is very much a commentary on the world around them. When looking at the gags done in Modern Times the sheer expressiveness of Charlie. Uses the silliness of things like body movements. You especially you can't overlook the obvious facial movements of Charlie compared to the stone faced Buster.For example scenes like when Charlie is being force fed food are pleasurable because of his being over the top clearly contrast scenes in the General like when Buster no longer sees the train in front of him and gives slight facial movement and reaction. This is one of Busters most well know trademarks. Buster got his start in a family vaudeville act and would later grow to own his own production studio where he directed and starred in a number of films. The General is a classic chase film set during the Civil War. It recounts the story of a down on his luck train engineer who gets wrapped up in a daring rescue for the love of his life.Laura Macgregor notes in her paper and as I mentioned Buster Sexton's â€Å"the General. † Buster Keating tries to appeal to sentiments of the time which called for greater realism in comedic gags. 4 If it couldn't happen in real life then it was not real and Buster saw it as an â€Å"impossible gag. † So rather than fantastic gags he would work at keeping his gags realistic. Laura add that by utilizing the long shot with a long take Buster is able to show how authentic his stunts, like when he travels between train carts, can be. This makes the slapstick comedy more believable to the audience ember.One example of another realistic gag is when Buster's character disguises his love as a sac of potatoes. After putting her on the train you catch shots of Buster wincing in pain as he watches soldiers continue loading. 5 This is contrasted with some of the gags in Charlie's' fi lm Modern Times such as the scene when Charlie finds new employment only to mess up and accidentally cast off one of the ships or the scene where he is blind folded and roller skating a few floors up. Cartoonist scenes where Charlie is being rung through the inside of a machine would not hold true to he realism Buster was looking for.It is important to note that Buster did not simply deny suspending belief in all his films, rather he developed a comedic realism within his features in response to audience's wants. To add to the authenticity Keating also believed things should be visually real. From costumes to the genuine armies of people Buster was committed. â€Å"In the general I took a page from history and I stuck to it in all detail. I staged exactly what happened. â€Å"6 Another technique used by Buster in the General, which Laura touches on, was to plant the gag alongside the narrative.Just as audiences called for comedic realism Laura claims audiences of the sass's were l ooking for more sophisticated or complex comedic relief over what many would deem as simple slapstick comedy. † †¦ Almost all of the gags in The General serve similar double duty as gag and narrative element† 7 It is interesting because by doing so gags not only are used to expand on the story but become key in the development and cohesiveness of the film. Once again looking at the scene where Buster potato sacs his damsel the gag is clearly working on the bigger picture of getting them back to their allies.Without this gag the story can not move forward as smoothly. In comparison to more random scenes within Charlie's' Modern Times such as his roller skating scene within the department store. Though comedic it is not intertwined within the plot. To better entertain the public and though both films were not received well for various reasons they commit to growing within there art Just in different ways. Charlie's pressures being that of representing daily life in th e Depression while Buster is more concerned with appealing to audiences' want for a more realistic performance.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Rotten in the State of Denmark

Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet† takes place during the Middle Ages in Denmark, though the play is written in the mindset of those living in the duration of the English Renaissance. Elizabethans strongly believed in order restoration in society or else chaos would ensue. In a manner of emphasizing the decay and corruption throughout the play, Shakespeare effectively utilizes figurative language and character development in order to support the concept that â€Å"There is something rotten in the state of Denmark. † The use of metaphors within the play by Shakespeare accentuates the deterioration in Denmark. Hamlet refers to humanity as the â€Å"quintessence of dust† (II, 2, 272). By making the comparison to dust, he proves that he believes humanity to have rotted, thus illustrating that the kingdom is decaying as its people are by a sense of morality and order. Hamlet continues on later in the play to state that â€Å"It will but skin and film the ulcerous place/While rank corruption, mining all within/Infects unseen† (III, 4, 147-148). This further establishes that Denmark is declining as the corruption spreads and is unchecked. Through the metaphorical comparisons, Shakespeare is able to indicate the decay within Denmark. Double entendre usage throughout â€Å"Hamlet† confirms the degeneration of the kingdom’s state. Hamlet makes reference to both the body and life in saying, â€Å"When we have shuffled off this mortal coil/Must give us pause† (III, 1, 66). He means both removing his human flesh and ending his everyday life, signifying the corruption in the kingdom as he wishes to find an easy way out of the troubled state that it is in. Later on, Hamlet mentions Polonius’ body is â€Å"at supper† and informs Claudius that â€Å"We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots†¦two dishes, but to one table† (IV, 3, 21-24). Supper means both that Polonius is at supper and that he is the supper. In this way, as maggots symbolize decay, it suggests that people fatten animals to feed upon; therefore, they fatten themselves for maggots and are all equal in death, as everyone is food for worms as the body deteriorates. The underlying notion of decomposition through double entendre insinuates that there is corruption within Denmark. Character development is another method in which Shakespeare indicates corrosion in Denmark. In terms of Ophelia, Hamlet describes her as a â€Å"dead dog† and states that â€Å"the sun breeds maggots in a dead dog† (II, 2, 178). By implying that Ophelia is a dead dog that breeds maggots, he indicates both that the sun rots a dead body and maggots feed within, as well as it is an aspersion to her character, since a â€Å"dead dog† is a â€Å"bitch. † Thus, Hamlet portrays the corruption in Ophelia’s character as he insinuates that she is a â€Å"bitch† by utilizing a term that symbolizes decomposition. Later on, Claudius states, â€Å"We have done but greenly/In a hugger-mugger to inter him; poor Ophelia/Divided from herself and her fair judgment† (IV, 5, 82-84). This suggests that Ophelia’s mental state is compromised due to the secrecy of her father’s death, further reinstating that the kingdom is corrupted. The alteration of Ophelia’s character and deterioration of her mental state represents the dwindling of the state of Denmark. The entirety of â€Å"Hamlet† epitomizes Renaissance England society by stressing the notion that without order, chaos will ensue. Shakespeare signifies the mentality of Elizabethans throughout the play through his use of figurative language and character development in order to substantiate that there is, in fact, â€Å"something rotten in the state of Denmark. †

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Communication in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Communication in business - Essay Example For sustainability purposes, Cemex Company has capitalized on sustainable development where the company emphasizes the aspect of making profit. The company has also well structured management policy that supports the efforts needed in promoting positive environmental strategies beneficial to the community2. The company has a structure which promotes the right of employees within the company’s environment, their customers and environment. These efforts are aimed at promoting effective corporate social responsibility in the community3. 1. Lessons Learnt Cemex employs the use of CxNetworks to attain their business objectives in global and providing their services to the community through CSR4. The company undertook this aspect by selling some of their assets and buying some important raw materials from the community. The use of the CxNetwork is beneficial to the company since it easy to do business with it and also assists in availing the online procurement web site. In this way, the company uses sustainability strategies to respect the CSR, which has proved to be more effective to the community5. The other lesson learnt from the past undertaking of the company is their partnership with Sinoma Energy Conservation from China in 20th March, 2012. The company manufactures it products from the waste from China. This in turn saves environmental resources and at the same time, recycles resources in order to make profit. This strategy improves the element of sustainability in making valid decisions, thus increasing the revenue and minimizing costs of the company. For the experience as a company, we strongly believe there is need to create environmental friendly approaches that will sustain the environment and promote the community through CSR principles. 2. Recommendations i). Develop comprehensive action plan that will provide a framework for promoting the principle of sustainability to address the problem of dereliction of the environment6. Benefits and Implicat ions a. The community will benefit through the element of corporate social responsibility since the community will participate in the process of formulation of the principles. The community will benefit in environment where the element of sustainability is guaranteed. b. The Local Network will gain from the principles thus minimizing the effects of environment dereliction caused by quarrying. This will also ensure that the Network’s activities are paralyzed by the community because the community now is the beneficiaries. ii). Employ both the use of local and external resources and manpower from the community through partnership including Local Network officials, developmental organizations, local community-based organizations, and government agencies7. Benefits and Implications a. The community through the CSR will enable the community members to access a vast expertise on ways of sustaining the environment thus making the objectives of the community realizable, b. The Networ k officials will be able to meet their financial obligations in the long-term thus offering members with the prospective of timely carrying out their chief business operations. iii). Incorporate the community‘

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Human Resource Management - Assignment Example nvolved (A Managers Responsibility and Liability in Health and Safety, 2008) Having an effective leadership team and effective workforce management will help the organization in protecting and safeguarding the interest of the employees. The indispensable and critical principles are- An effective leadership management team who play an active role towards assimilating strong health and safety management. Workforce involvement in promoting and achieving high safety conditions in work environment Frequent follow-ups, monitoring, and reviewing the performance of the safety measures (Health safety executive, n.d) Effects of poor health and safety measures- In 2006, approximately 30 million working days were lost due to poor health conditions and physical injuries to the employees. Approximately 200 employees are killed each year due to poor and negligent health and safety measures at work places in companies Many employees reported each year with respiratory diseases and cancers due to occ upational illness (Health safety executive, n.d) Benefits of good health measures: Reduced cost and reduced risks Low employee turnover and employee absence which improves productivity indirectly Corporate responsibility among clients, partners Do you think managers should be held liable for health and safety violations? Protecting the health and safety of the employees should be one of the main focuses of the risk management team in any organization. Health and Safety plays an integral and fundamental part of the organization’s success. Management, board members and the leadership team who do not show any focus in this area would never be able to achieve the highest achievement of health and safety management and should be penalized. Failure on the part of the management to incorporate... This essay focuses on the analysis of the Human Resources department, that usually helps in organizing and deals with any issues related to compensation, safety, policies, wellness settlement, general administration, training and development. The researcher mentiones that they are also expected to add value to the employees. Health and safety law basically safeguard the welfare of employees and the general public. This law holds the person, company or organization liable for any employee injured through accident at work or death of any employee. The Health and safety team can execute a criminal prosecution against the company, which may result in penalty or imprisonment against the company management and human resources department. The affected employee can also seek for damages in the civil court. The role of the human resource team should have a health and safety program clearly defined and stated. Some of the areas that human resources should examine and supervise are management a nd employee training on health and Safety measures to prevent work related injuries and illnesses and ensuring workplace safety culture is being driven to ensure safety of the employees working onsite. The researcher then concludes that having an effective Health and Safety department has become very important from a commercial and a governmental viewpoint of the company. Many high profile safety negligence cases over the last few years have been mostly caused by bad management team in the company.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Plato's Apology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plato's Apology - Essay Example 1.2. Socrates’ method was to approach every known wise man and interview him in order to find one wiser than him. In asking a series of questions, he is able to deduce the speaker’s wisdom (21c) 1.3. Socrates found that when he probed each wise man with questions, he always discovered a fault in his ideas, which showed him not wiser than Socrates (21d-e) 1.4. Socrates surmised what the Delphic oracle meant by him being wiser than the other ‘wise men.’ â€Å"I am wiser than that other fellow, because neither of us knows anything of great value; but he thinks he knows a thing when he doesn’t; whereas I neither know it in fact, nor think that I do,† thereby making him wiser in that single respect (21d). 2. Socrates’ defense: 2.1. Against the old accusations 2.1.1. Socrates was accused of receiving money for teaching. While he denied it, he said that there is nothing dishonourable about this (19e to 20a). 2.1.2. The accusation of being too inquisitive – a â€Å"busybody† (19c) – Socrates simply denied, and countered that his accusers were angry at him because he unmasked their lack of wisdom. 2.2. Against the new accusations (by Meletus) 2.2.1. On the charge that Socrates corrupted the young, Socrates asked Meletus if he believed the laws, the judges, the Councillors, the people in the Assembly, all contributed to the improvement of the young, Meletus answered yes, and that only Socrates corrupted them (24e-25a). Socrates drew a parallel with horse trainers, and showed that normally, majority of influences would tend to be bad and the few good. This showed Meletus charge is not for the welfare of the young, but for his own spite (25c). 2.2.2. On the charge that Socrates was an atheist because he believed in demigods, Socrates pointed out that this was a contradiction in itself, since to believe in demigods was to believe in God, and therefore he could not be an atheist at the same time (26a-27e). 3. When Socrates proposed his own punishment, he first argued that what he had done was to provide a good for others, for which his punishment should actually be some â€Å"benefit† (36d) such as â€Å"free meals in the Pryteneum† (37a). One might say that by such levity, Socrates was treating the entire matter trivially; this is hard to imagine, however, since he was a perceptive and wise man and could appreciate the gravity of the situation and the seriousness of his adversaries. One could only deduce that he was being brutally honest and rational in asserting that he deserved to be rewarded rather than punished, for the good he had done to others, and treating no one unjustly (37b). 4. Socrates’ view of death is a blessing, not an evil (40c) and the afterlife can only be one of two things – a non-existence, or transformation of the soul to a different world. If it were the first, then the dead person will have no awareness at all, like a deep sleep whe re the sleeper did not even dream, which is then â€Å"a marvellous gain† (40d). If death were so, then Socrates would count it to be a most â€Å"agreeable† thing comparable to a single night’s rest. On the other hand, if death were a transformation then he counts it as the greatest blessing, to be rid of the false â€Å"jurors† who ruled against him and instead be in the presence of the demigods and great men who lived righteous lives (41a). By so dissecting the possibilities of the afterlife, Socrates is able to comfort his friends with his vision of death. He goes to meet death as a great adventure, or at the very least a restful sleep. Therefore, Socrates did not fear death, but only saw it as

Monday, August 26, 2019

Transforming Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transforming Organizational Culture - Essay Example The CEO contacted Merriam and during their meeting, he clarified the function of the department and indicated that the department was underperforming and presented her with issues he believes is contributing to their poor performance. The issues are: He also stressed that this was influencing the ability of the other departments in the organization to deliver on their outputs, and this directly effects the bottom-line of the organization. The OD practitioner suggested the collection of preliminary data so that subsequent diagnostic and intervention activities can be focused on addressing the correct contributing issues. She explained that the issues mentioned by the CEO are most likely only symptoms of the underlying problems. To analyse the problematic department the OD practitioner used the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) survey, compiled through answers from questionnaires filled in by staff, to measure the characteristics of culture in the department. In figure 1, the results of the department wide survey has been plotted, giving a strong indication of an un-adaptive culture. The OD practitioner deducted from the OCI survey that their was almost a total absence of constructiveness in the department, with a strong extensions on the Passive/Defensive and Aggressive/Defensive styles. This showing compelling reasons why the department is experiencing absenteeism, low productivity and staff having very little or no job satisfaction. When the OD practitioner discussed the results with the departmental manager, he stated that the reason for absence of constructiveness in the department was due to the staff's attitudes towards management and their lack of discipline. It was clear that there was a total breakdown of trust within the department. The OD practitioner used the comprehensive open-system model to do an in-depth analyzes, to better understand the functioning of the problematic department in the organization. "The organization serves to coordinate behaviours of its departments so that they function together in service of a goal or strategy. The general diagnostic model based on systems theory that underlies most of OD is called the open-system mode," (Cummings & Worley, 2001, p84). Diagram 1: Comprehensive Model for Diagnosing Organizational Systems Through the above method, the OD practitioner found some of the contributing factors to the overall poor performance of the specific department. Firstly, the individual based performance appraisal and reward system tend to interfere with team functioning as each member is more interested in his own performance. Then organizational goals seem unclear within the department creating confusion and frustration among staff. Thirdly, coordination of staff efforts and regulation of their task behaviours by management are almost mechanistic, allowing very little innovation or group interaction. Lastly, the performance norms within

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Managing Environmental Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Environmental Issues - Essay Example Fryxell and vryza (2007) assert that the simulation focuses on three major environmental philosophies on human responsibility towards the environment. Examples of simulation put in place in order to manage environmental issues include the anthropocentric view, biocentric view and ethical extensionism. The model explored by Fryxell and vryza (2007) explores on how human being inter and intra relates to the natural world and therefore assesses how human activities impacts on the natural environment. Therefore, this discussion contributes to the critical study of the mankind responsibility in protecting and managing the nature and his role in the environment. Environmental justice refers to the fair treatment that explores the meaningful involvement of people especially the minority and low-income populations into the development, implementation and enforcement of the environmental laws, regulation and policies as asserted by Fryxell and vryza (2007). Consequently ensuring coverage of adverse and desperate health impacts that are a burden to the environment and affect also affect the people. Environmental justice is achieved when everyone within the environment can enjoy the same degree of protection from the environment and from health hazards activities of the population. Environmental simulation aims at accessing the decision making process by the stakeholders to have a healthy environment in which all the people can live, learn or work comfortably without any disturbances (Fryxell & vryza, 2007). This is achieved by facilitating open dialogues among many stakeholders involved in managing the environment. In doing this, fair treatment is achieved in involving all kinds of people from different part of the world regardless of their race, color, originality or income with an aim of achieving a healthy environment for the benefit of all. There are many stakeholders involved in the management of environmental

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Unsaturated Problems Soils (Expansive or Collapsing ) Case Study

Unsaturated Problems Soils (Expansive or Collapsing ) - Case Study Example d contraction has tremendously adverse effects on landscape, namely roads and buildings, causing cracking of walls and foundations, and, thus, devaluing of the property in a remarkably short time. It also costs millions of money on repairs. Studies also show that expansive soils, when on slopes, can cause landslides. Care and treatment, therefore, has to be taken before construction of buildings on this soil. Engineers have to carry out soil tests, in order to determine the nature of the soil, before commencing construction, due to the adverse effects of expansive soil. Expansive soil can also be detected just by direct observation. If the soil is found to be expansive, various treatments could be applied so as to avoid the effects of the expansive soil: This involves compacting the subgrade at the appropriate moisture content. This will â€Å"produce a subgrade that absorbs less water, provides slightly higher strength, and will not expand or swell as much..†.( ACPA, 2008). Selective grading may be the most cost effective method of treatment, if expansive soils are not the predominant soil type along the roadway alignment. This will include blending and cross hauling. If the profile grade can be designed to keep expansive soils out of the top of the subgrade, (ACPA, 2008), selective grading may also be sufficient in controlling the shrink and swell potential. This is used when the subgrade soils consist of primarily expansive soils, and it is not economical to import non-expansive soil. This provides an effective means to control the shrink-swell potential of a soil. This method can also be economical on some projects, compared to selective

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Forces Affecting B&Q In The UK Essay

Environmental Forces Affecting B&Q In The UK - Essay Example Current paper focuses on the performance of a major competitor of UK’s home improvement retail industry: B&Q. The particular organization has achieved to acquire a large share of the particular market, as analyzed below. Still, concerns exist in regard to the firm’s ability to keep its profitability high in the long term. The firm’s macro environment has been reviewed and evaluated using an appropriate strategic management tool, the PESTEL analysis. At the same time, an internal micro analysis has taken place for checking the potentials of the organization to manage risks related to its daily operations and to stabilize its profitability. It has been made clear that the power of B&Q to achieve a long term growth cannot be guaranteed, especially since the UK economy is not stabilized. A strategy is proposed for helping the organization to face the external forces related to the particular market and to respond to the needs of its changing environment.In order to u nderstand the environmental forces that affect B&Q it would be necessary to understand the characteristics of these forces, as they are related to the operations of the particular organization. In general, the term macro-environment is used for describing a firm’s â€Å"external forces and agencies† (Reynolds and Lancaste 2012, p.32). The most popular strategic tool for evaluating a firm’s macro environment is PESTEL analysis (Cunningham and Harney 2012). ... The most popular strategic tool for evaluating a firm’s macro environment is PESTEL analysis (Cunningham and Harney 2012). When using PESTEL analysis for explaining a firm’s macro environment it should be necessary to take into consideration the following fact: not all parts of this framework will equally influence the relationship between the firm and its external environment (Cunningham and Harney 2012). Reference can be made to the following example: for pharmaceutical firms patents will have a key importance for measuring these firms’ potentials to face their external forces (Cunningham and Harney 2012). In the case of firms operating in the services industry emphasis should be given on demographics, as a factor that will influence the relationship between these firms and their external environment (Cunningham and Harney 2012). The PESTEL analysis refers to the macro environment of organizations. It should be noted that the particular framework helps to ident ify the factors that affect â€Å"the whole economy and not only a particular organization† (Bowhill 2008, p.331). In the context of the PESTEL analysis the macro environment of B&Q could be analyzed as follows: a) Political; the political environment of UK is quite stable. The current government has tried to enhance the stability of the economy by keeping inflation low, at least compared to other countries (Wood 2011). It should be noted that no threats seem to exist for potential turbulences in the UK political sector (Wood 2011). As a result, B&Q would not be threatened by the specific element, i.e. the political framework, of its macro environment. Still, the challenges that the